Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Greetings! Welcome to The Red Jeans Project! If you have mananged to find this blog amdist the vast landscape of cyberspace, I'm glad you're here. In case you are wondering what exactly The Red Jeans Project is, let me fill you in. Very simply, The Red Jeans Project is my attempt to accomplish the goal of fitting into my favorite pair of red jeans by my birthday (which is in early April, 2013). Now, you might be thinking, "Another weight loss blog...how boring!" But this blog is more than just a record of my experiences. I am a certified personal trainer and health coach. I hope to share heath and fitness insights that will benefit all who want to improve their health and get in better shape. I am also someone who continually struggles with my weight. I spent much of my adult life either overweight or obese. Beginning in May of 2008, I began a weight loss journey where I lost 70 lbs. Regrettably, I have since gained back about 25 lbs. I know how hard it is to lose weight and keep it off. I know how great it feels to achieve significant weight loss. I also know the embarrasment, frustration,and shame of regaining a portion of that weight and falling back into old, unhealthy habits. The reason I became a personal trainer and health coach is to help others who are struggling like myself to win the weight war and achieve a healthier, saner way of life. This project is an experiment of sorts. Through this project, I want to see if I can effectively apply my health coaching knowledge and techniques on my most challenging client...myself. I want to determine if, by following my own advice, I can achieve the results in myself that I strive to see in my clients. As this is an experiment, the outcome is unknown. Success is far from guaranteed, but that is the risk of undertaking such an experiment. For me, this project is more than just fitting into a favorite pair of jeans. It is an opportunity for me to share my journey toward health and wholeness, with all the joys, frustrations, setbacks, trials, and triumphs, in the hopes that it will give you hope if you are struggling. I am learning more and more that wellness is a lifelong journey that doesn't always follow a straight line. However, if you stick with it, through all its twists and turns, peaks and valleys, you will learn about yourself, discover your potential, and every day grow more into the whole person you were created to be. I am honored to have you along for the journey. Please feel free to share your insights along the way. And now, without further ado, let us commence The Red Jeans Project! Sincerely, Miss Red Jeans

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